1300 58 4000 nbnredi@nbnredi.com.au
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ADSL Services Info and Pricing
ADSL Info & Pricing

ADSL2+ Business Broadband

 Business Grade Reliability on Australia’s Biggest Network

  • Australia’s biggest ADSL2+ network
  • Static IP Address for Networking
  • Uptime Guarantee of 99.6%
  • Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
  • FREE Upgrade to Higher Plan Anytime
  • Australia based technical support team
  • 10 email addresses
  • Monitor your data usage online
  • Free Dial Up service included for backup

SLAs with guarantees and refunds

We’re confident of delivering Business Grade performance that won’t let you down, but if for some reason we don’t live up to it, we refund money back into your pocket. Guaranteed.

Choose how much data you want.

Just select how much data you need over a month dependent on how often you use the internet and how much data you download.

A network with stability & service

Our network has been designed specifically for businesses, is un-contended and managed in real time. Our Australian based Help desk support team are all engineers in their own right so should you ever have questions about your Internet service, they will be able to help quickly and knowledgeably.

Choose Your Plan

Monthly Plans Data Allowance Specialist 50G Professional 100G Executive 250G Elite 500G 1 TB Unlimited
$79.95 $89.95 $99.95 $119.95 $129.95
Bundle Packs includes Line Rental, Zone 1 Only $104.50 $110 $115.50 $120 $132
Using one megabyte of data within your usage allowance $0.0016 $0.00099 $0.0004 $0.00024 N/A
Using one megabyte of data once your allowance has been reached $0.0055 $0.0055 $0.0055 $0.0055 $0.0055 N/A
NBN Info and Pricing
Connect To Australia's Newest Network

nbn_Masterbrand_RetailServiceProvider_RSPLogo_CMYKConnect to Australia’s Newest Network

  • Business Grade Service Level Agreement
  • Great range of Plan options
  • Uptime Guarantee of 99.6%
  • Powered by the brand new NBN National Network
  • Range of Upload and Download Speeds

Australia’s National Broadband Network

Be one of the first in Australia to connect to the National Broadband Network. The NBN is being rolled out across Australia to many regional and metropolitan locations using the latest in Fibre, Satellite and Wireless technologies. You may
be in one of the many roll out locations, simply let us know your address and we can help you choose a plan to suit your family.
Significantly higher speeds than any other network!
The speeds on the NBN network are significantly higher than ADSL which currently resides on an old copper based network. You can achieve incredible speeds of up to 100Mb which is 5 times faster than the highest ADSL 2+ speed
available. Wide range of plans to suit your needs.
For a larger business who rely on the internet for businesses there are a wide range of speeds and plans that are available to suit different business sizes and types. For smaller companies with minimal internet requirements you may choose
from a basic plan or for larger super connections.
The plans are based on the speed. Old fashioned Standard ADSL gives a maximum 20mb download speed and 1Mb upload speed. The NBN plan speeds are , 25mb down/ 5mb up, 25Mb down/10Mb up, 50mb down/20mb up and 100mb down /40mb up. Just choose your speed and the amount of data you need. Wireless speeds available 25/5. Take self install or we can arrange professional on site installation for you.

Choose Your Plan

Critical information Summaries

12/1 Mbps FTTN, FTTP,FTTB or Fixed Wireless
Included Data GB’s MonthlyCharge Total 24 MthContract Unit Price PerGB of data
15 GB $59 $416 $3.93
100 GB $85 $2040 $0.85
250 GB $95 $2280 $0.38
500 GB $99 $2376 $0.19
1000 GB $120 $2880 $0.12
25/5 MbpsFTTN, FTTP,FTTB or Fixed Wireless
Included Data GB’s MonthlyCharge Total 24 MthContract Unit Price PerGB of data
15 GB $69 $1656 $4.60
100 GB $90 $2160 $0.90
250 GB $99 $2376 $0.39
500 GB $110 $2640 $0.22
1000 GB $120 $2880 $0.12
25/10 Mbps FTTN, FTTP,FTTB
cluded Data GB’s MonthlyCharge Total 24 MthContract Unit Price PerGB of data
50 GB $85 $2040 $1.70
100 GB $95 $2280 $0.95
250 GB $105 $2520 $0.42
500 GB $115 $2760 $0.23
1000 GB $125 $3000 $0.125
50/20 Mbps FTTN, FTTP,FTTB
Included Data GB’s MonthlyCharge Total 24 MthContract Unit Price PerGB of data
50 GB $99 $2376 $1.98
100 GB $105 $2520 $1.05
250 GB $115 $2760 $0.46
500 GB $125 $3000 $0.25
1000 GB $135 $3240 $0.135
100/40 Mbps FTTN, FTTP,FTTB
Included Data GB’s MonthlyCharge Total 24 MthContract Unit Price PerGB of data
50 GB $110 $2640 $2.20
100 GB $115 $2760 $1.15
250 GB $125 $3000 $0.50
500 GB $135 $3240 $0.27
1000 GB $149 $3576 $0.15
Things You Should Know

1. All prices quoted are inclusive of GST. 2. Early termination fee, if you choose to cancel your service or it is disconnected for any reason within the 24 month contract term you will be charged an early termination fee comprised of your minimum monthly commitment as per your agreement with us multiplied by the months remaining in your contract. You must provide 30 days’ notice to us to disconnect a service. 3. Speeds are theoretical maximum speeds. Actual speeds may be less due to a number of factors including network configuration, line quality & length, customer premises interference, traffic, hardware and software. 4. A single Static IP address provided. 5. Acceptable Usage Policy Applies. 6. We will deliver your service to the Network Boundary Point at your premises, which is defined as the physical port or ‘UNI’ on the NBN Network Termination Device. The cabling that is required in your premises beyond the optical network termination device is your cost and responsibility, as is the provision of a suitable 240V AC power outlet. 7. You must obtain the consent of the property owner to have the NBN installation performed. 8. NBN services are not currently available in multiple dwelling units (MDUs). We will be providing NBN services to locations within MDUs when this facility is available from NBNCo. 9. The installation will be performed during business hours, and you will need to be home to provide access for the installation technicians. 10.Professional Installation $299 11. All services are minimum 24 months term.

Critical Information Summaries

Ethernet Services Info and Pricing
IP Line Info & Pricing

Value for Money Business Grade Broadband

  • Business Grade Service Level Agreement with Uptime Guarantee of 99.9%
  • Excellent coverage
  • Ideal for combining with Hosted Voice PBX and SIP Trunks
  • Static IP Address for Networking
  • 24 x 7 Technical Support with Experienced Engineers
  • Powered by robust AAPT Ethernet network
  • Symmetrical upload and download to support business use

Reliability and affordability

Powered by exceptionally robust AAPT Ethernet network. Availability, simplicity, and consistency have established Ethernet and IP as the communications technologies of choice across many enterprises and small businesses today.

Flexible range of symmetric speeds and great coverage

IP-Line can offer a variety of flexible bandwidths, from 2 to 100Mbps* and is available for businesses located in metropolitan areas of Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Canberra and Perth, as well as many regional centres.

Ideal for today’s cloud-based services

Businesses are increasingly using cloud-based business applications like online CRM tools, use of these services requires a secure reliable and synchronous high-speed connection is critical. Mid-Band Ethernet provides the ideal access for many of these cloud based services.
IP-Line using Mid-Band Ethernet provides the ideal Internet access for many of these cloud based services.

Plan Options

SpeedInstallation FeeData AllowanceMonthly Fee
2 Mbps12 Months $1490
24 months FREE
4 Mbps12 Months $1490
24 months FREE
6 Mbps12 Months $1490
24 months FREE
10 Mbps12 Months $1490
24 months FREE
12 Mbps12 Months $1490
24 months FREE
14 Mbps12 Months $1490
24 months FREE
16 Mbps12 Months $1490
24 months FREE
18 Mbps12 Months $1490
24 months FREE
20 Mbps12 Months $1490
24 months FREE
50 Mbps12 Months $1490
24 months FREE
70 Mbps12 Months $1490
24 months FREE
100 Mbps12 Months $1490
24 months FREE

Critical Information Summary

Things You Should Know

1. All prices quoted are inclusive of GST. 2. SHDSL minimum commitment including install over 24 months is as follows; $11 016 2 Mbps Unlimited plan), $11 496 4 Mbps Unlimited plan), $13 656 6 Mbps Unlimited plan), $11 776 10Mbs, 12 Mbps, 14 Mbps, 16 Mbps, 18 Mbps, 20 Mbps Unlimited plan), $43 176, 50Mb Unlimited plan, $55 176 70 Mbps Unlimited plan, $62 376 100 Mbps Unlimited plan. 3. Early termination fee, if you choose to cancel your service or it is disconnected for any reason within the 24 month contract term you will be charged an early termination fee comprised of your minimum monthly commitment as per your agreement with us multiplied by the months remaining in your contract. You must provide 30 days’ notice to us to disconnect a service. 4. SHDSL Speeds are theoretical maximum speeds based on Telstra tests. Actual speeds may be less due to a number of factors including network configuration, line quality & length, exchange type, customer premises interference, traffic, hardware and software. 5. Unlimited usage will not attract any excess fees. 6. Static IP address provided. 7. Network Uptime guarantee of 99.95%. Rebate calculated as 1 day of service access fee credited for each hour of network downtime over and above the guaranteed level. Network downtime does not include faults in the underlying service from the exchange to the customer premises or any faults in the customers own network. Rebate must be claimed using our Standard Rebate Application Form within 3 months. Rebate will be applied as a credit against your bill. Maximum rebate available is the minimum monthly charge for the service 8. Acceptable Usage Policy Applies. 9. Pricing quoted is for services in zone 1 or zone 2 exchange areas. If service falls under a zone 3 location, pricing is available on request.
EFM Ethernet Info & Pricing

EFM Business Broadband

Exceptional Value for Money Ethernet Service

  • Business grade Service Level Agreement with Up time Guarantee of 99.6%
  • Good Coverage in Major Capital Cities
  • Australian Based Technical Support
  • Powered by Soul Ethernet Network
  • Static IP Address for Networking
  • Symmetrical Upload and Download Speeds
  • Australian Based Technical Support


Huge Bandwidth…small price tag.

For businesses that need bandwidth to burn, but not with the hefty price tag that normally comes with a Ethernet technology. Our EFM services can provide up to 20Mb/20Mb of bandwidth. Perfect for those that require fast Internet access.

No excess usage charges.

Simple unlimited download, unshaped plans so you can use as much as you need without the fear of excess charges. No need to worry at the end of each month about being slowed to an unbearable speed either.


Plan Options

SpeedData AllowanceInstallation FeeMonthly
Up to 10 Mbps
Min 4 Mbps
4 Wire Circuit
Unlimited$1099 24 Months
FREE 36 Months
Order Withdrawal $1299
Up to 10 Mbps
Min 4 Mbps
6 Wire Circuit
Unlimited$1099 24 Months
FREE 36 Months
Order Withdrawal $1299
Up to 20 Mbps
Min 8 Mbps
8 Wire Circuit
Unlimited$1099 24 Months
FREE 36 Months
Order Withdrawal $1299

Critical Information Summary

All prices quoted above Inc GST.

Things You Should Know

1. All prices quoted are inclusive of GST. 2. SHDSL minimum commitment including install over 36 months is as follows; $11 844 (4 wire up to 10 Mbps Unlimited plan), $14 364 (6 wire up to 10 Mbps Unlimited plan), $16 164 (8 wire up to 20 Mbps Unlimited plan), $19,875 (10Mb 8 wire Unlimited plan), $21,315 (20Mb 8 wire Unlimited plan),  3. Early termination fee, if you choose to cancel your service or it is disconnected for any reason within the 36 month contract term you will be charged an early termination fee comprised of your minimum monthly commitment as per your agreement with us multiplied by the months remaining in your contract. You must provide 30 days’ notice to us to disconnect a service. 4. SHDSL Speeds are theoretical maximum speeds based on Telstra tests. Actual speeds may be less due to a number of factors including network configuration, line quality & length, exchange type, customer premises interference, traffic, hardware and software. 5. Unlimited usage will not attract any excess fees. 6. Static IP address provided. 7. Network Uptime guarantee of 99.95%. Rebate calculated as 1 day of service access fee credited for each hour of network downtime over and above the guaranteed level. Network downtime does not include faults in the underlying service from the exchange to the customer premises or any faults in the customers own network. Rebate must be claimed using our Standard Rebate Application Form within 3 months. Rebate will be applied as a credit against your bill. Maximum rebate available is the minimum monthly charge for the service 8. Acceptable Usage Policy Applies. 9. Pricing quoted is for services in zone 1 or zone 2 exchange areas. If service falls under a zone 3 location, pricing is available on request. Order withdrawal fee $1299
SHDSL Ethernet Info & Pricing

SHDSL Business Broadband

Business Grade Broadband with the Same Upload and Download Speeds

  • Best Broadband for Hosted PBX & VoIP
  • Perfect for Video Conferencing
  • Ideal for Online Applications such as CRM
  • Uptime Guarantee of 99.95% with Service Level Agreements, Restoration Targets and Rebates
  • Static IP Address for Networking
  • Guaranteed Bandwidth Optional
  • Australian Based Technical Support

Mission critical business broadband

When it just has to work, fast, both upload and download SHDSL is the broadband connection of choice. If your business uses online applications when saving and retrieving data, time is critical. You need a data connection that delivers. Simply put, if your business needs to be online, no ifs, no buts, then our SHDSL Broadband is for you.

Plan Options

Speed Plan Installation Fee Monthly
1MB / 1MB SHDSL Lite $660.00 $419.00
SHDSL Standard $660.00 $439.00
2MB / 2MB SHDSL Lite $660.00 $499.00
SHDSL Standard $660.00 $569.00
4MB / 4MB SHDSL Lite $1,320.00 $649.00
SHDSL Standard $1,320.00 $999.00
10MB /10MB SHDSL Lite $2,035.00 $999.00
SHDSL Standard $2,035.00 $1,499.00

All prices quoted above Inc GST.

Things You Should Know

1. All prices quoted are inclusive of GST. 2. SHDSL minimum commitment over 24 months is as follows; $10,056 (1Mb Lite Unlimited plan), $11,976 (2Mb Lite Unlimited plan), $15,576 (4Mb Lite Unlimited plan), $23,976 (10Mb Lite Unlimited plan), $10,536 (1Mb Standard Unlimited plan), $13,656 (2Mb Standard Unlimited plan), $23,976 (4Mb Standard Unlimited plan), $35,976 (10Mb Standard Unlimited plan). 3. Early termination fee, if you choose to cancel your service or it is disconnected for any reason within the 24 month contract term you will be charged an early termination fee comprised of your minimum monthly commitment as per your agreement with us multiplied by the months remaining in your contract. You must provide 30 days’ notice to us to disconnect a service. 4. SHDSL Speeds are theoretical maximum speeds based on Telstra tests. Actual speeds may be less due to a number of factors including network configuration, line quality & length, exchange type, customer premises interference, traffic, hardware and software. 5. Unlimited usage will not attract any excess fees. 6. Static IP address provided. 7. Network Uptime guarantee of 99.95%. Rebate calculated as 1 day of service access fee credited for each hour of network downtime over and above the guaranteed level. Network downtime does not include faults in the underlying service from the exchange to the customer premises or any faults in the customers own network. Rebate must be claimed using our Standard Rebate Application Form within 3 months. Rebate will be applied as a credit against your bill. Maximum rebate available is the minimum monthly charge for the service 8. Acceptable Usage Policy Applies. 9. Pricing quoted is for services in zone 1 or zone 2 exchange areas. If service falls under a zone 3 location, pricing is available on request.